A note from David.
Of the entire product we have available in the ministry there is nothing I would recommend more than these two series! They are life changing, so much so we guarantee them to significantly help you spiritually or we will buy them back.
The Fullness of Life Seminar is single most teaching series I hear people say, "they played it repeatedly as there was so much given so quickly it takes three or four times of hearing it to grasp all of the spiritual nuggets." I taught this series on the heals of a 17 week revival but in really is a consummation of 25 years of study on the supernatural.
The Fullness of Life Meditative Media series is by nature designed to play repeatedly. We have many that have had the series for over a year and still play one of the nine meditative sessions every night. The testimonies from this series are awesome which is as it should be as when you meditate on the word day and night God promises you to have prosperity and success.
In the Meditative Media series you will have two teaching CDs; Walking in the Spirit and Imagine Doing the Miraculous and then a meditative session for each of the teachings which will help you to internalize the message. This is by far the best way to get significant truths into you heart. The last CD in the series is an all time favorites recorded twenty five years ago, Power Prayer. This CD is another that you will play repeatedly; before CD's came out we would get a reorder of this tape almost every month from people wearing it out from playing it so often.
The Power Prayer CD came as a result of a vision God gave to bring people into His presence. The blend of anointed words, anointed music and an anointed man of God will literally bring you right into the presence of God and one of the most common things we here about this CD is how people can literally feel the presence of God when they play it.
Below are more detailed descriptions on each of the unique meditative CDs. To learn more about the meditative media click on this link. What is Meditative Media.
Blessings and thank you for allowing me to speak into your life!
David Martin