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Product # A002400
  As seen on Sid Roth
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Heart Overview

Physical Disk Price: $7

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God prophetically spoke to David in the midst of a 17 week revival.  One aspect of what He said was relative to the heart and the importance of diligently guarding it.  Starting there, David began an in-depth study of the heart; the revelation that has come forth as a result has been phenomenal.


This message will help you to comprehend the life changing principle of laboring to enter into rest.  It will also help you to understand the need to be transformed by the renewing of the mind.  Bottom line, you will see the need to meditate on the Word of God and learn how to do it more effectively.


This message includes overviews of "Death to Self" and "Divine Alignment for Divine Revelation."  It also highlights the 25 doctor documented miracles that happened on David's trip to South Africa in July, 2006, and ends with an abbreviated meditative session - a small sample of what takes place in the "Fullness of Life Meditative Media" sessions.  But most importantly, it stresses how God wants all Believers to have these supernatural manifestations in their lives.